the Purpose & the Scribbler

He was here. The Spirit that hovered, the Son who died, the Father who raised. He was here, and I find the marks of His presence everywhere. And that is the point—to find the marks, to see the gifts, to count the blessings and know Him by His work and words. This blog is a place to share where He has been found in hopes that for you, friend, He will be found, too.

I want to draw our attention to the dusty corners of our lives where we might not see or expect Grace. This is as much an endeavor for myself as it is for you. There will be art and photography and poetry and prose all to help us see more. These are my stones by the river, altars left in remembrance so that I cannot forget.

So thank you, ever thank you, for walking beside me for a while, holding fast to the One who holds us.

With Joy,

Karly Alexandra, the Scribbler

Karly is a Christ follower who adores writing, reading, poetry, drawing, the quiet beauty of nature, teaching English(hopefully soon!), local honey, kayaking, music, chocolate, Jarlsburg cheese, and art.